Do you ever get tired of being wrong? You fought against Lincoln and his desire to defend the Union’s fight for solidarity and defense of the black man against slavery. You fought for deregulation that raised monopolies and erected Hoovervilles. You fought against civil rights and the equal pay for women. You supported McCarthyism and the persecution of people that fought for union rights. Today you fight against healthcare and don’t trust a black man who wants to see America rise again as the greatest nation on Earth. Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Do you ever get tired of fighting against human rights and true patriotism? This is not about Republican vs. Democrat. This is about being a Progressive vs. being stuck in old traditions that may be short-sided and immoral.
Do not pick and choose lines from the bible or lines from our founding fathers to support your unpatriotic, racist, and small minded motives. Become a real American. Fight for your people and the progressive path of your country. The moments when we have felt most proud to be Americans where fought for by those you called Nazis…Socialists…Communists…
They were none of those. They loved their Country and they fought for it.
Catch up red America…Become true patriots… fight for what is right…do not fight against progress and what really makes Americans great.
The founding fathers were a very diverse group of men. Because of this they erected a Constitution that enabled progress and change. They did not wish to be restrained with laws the forced a nation to succumb to a non-progressive end. They gave us room to evolve as the nation evolved in hopes of continued greatness and growth. Do not stymie out great nation with your inability to adapt, your inability to accept change and not fear it. You must think bigger, you must educate yourself far beyond the gotcha news and latest scandal. Become historians, philosophers, and truly learn what it really means to be an American.