No, I am not one of those parents so terrified of the "liberal agenda" that I am keeping my children home today. My school district is not even giving the children the option to watch it. My little red area overwhelmingly voted for McCain in the election and showing Obama’s speech would undoubtedly ruffle local feathers. Last year my daughter's teacher held a mock election in class. My daughter was the lone supporter of President Obama, but she held her little hand up proudly nonetheless. H.W. Bush made a very similar speech to school children years ago and even asked the children to send letters back to him. Years before that school children listened to speeches from FDR and Ronald Reagan. Democrats wrongly protested H.W. Bush’s speech calling it a political act. Today Republicans have a bit of amnesia as they are using the same tactics to protest Obama. Democrats were wrong then and Republicans are wrong now...ANY speech by our president regardless of party that tries to give positive encouragement to children is a good thing.....Though Reagan inserting his economic propaganda in his speech to school children...that's another story.
If you are keeping your child from watching the speech you are a COWARD and obviously have no faith in your parenting or ability to “indoctrinate” values that stick. If you get bored today, go burn some books.
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