Mike Duvall, Republican Assemblyman, is just the latest politician caught in a sexy scandal. The man bragged about his dirty sex not realizing his mike was on. He mentioned dirty adventures with his mistress including spanking and eye patch underwear. Click here to view the news article
Now I could care less if the man was Republican or Democrat and I still believe personal sexual exploits don't make you an ineffective leader as history should teach us that by now. I also don't believe we should continue the hypocritical game of which party is morally deficient by citing examples such as Duvall. However if you put yourself in the spotlight as a representative of "family values" and believe you have the moral authority to judge others personal lives, you better make sure your ass is clean.
L.A. Gay and Lesbian center had this response,
"It's Duvall's hypocrisy regarding his infidelity that makes him so especially despicable. He joins a long line of equally discredited, anti-gay 'family values' conservatives like evangelical U.S. Senators David Vitter and John Ensign, and South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford. At least Duvall had a modicum of decency and resigned, while those of the Vitter/Ensign/Sanford ilk brazenly continue on, still embraced by their 'family values' colleagues. Their full response
Duvall had the audacity to say his affair was a private matter. I actually agree 100%. Whoever you engage in sexual activity with is your personal business and witch-hunts by those on both sides of the spectrum are despicable. But Mr. Duvall, no one tried to get in your business, you aired it over your mike like a frat boy.
You have made every effort to stymie any efforts for the State of California to defend the rights of gay and lesbians and what they do in their own personal lives. Many reply they should only have to answer to their families and their God. If this is true, do not legislate sexual morality of others as what they do is also between their partner and their God.
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